Information on State Heritage Listing

Over many years those associated with the Mission Site have worked towards the site being NSW State Heritage listed. The push for the heritage listing began in the 1990's. There were a number of applications that were submitted to the NSW Heritage Office and it wasn't until 2010 that the listing was finalised and approved by the NSW Heritage Council. The following information relates that that listing.


Warangesda State Heritage Listing – 9th July 2010:


Warangesda Mission gets heritage listing:


There were a number of factors that contributed to the final listing being successful. The landowners, the King family, had to agree with the listing as there are many requirements that had to be met by them as the land owners. These conditions can often impede the general running of their property but approval was given.

There was a celebration for the listing and an opportunity to visit the site in 2010. There were a number of people interviewed on the day of the official ceremony and those interviews have been captured in a video of the event. The Heritage listing was an opportunity for the wider community to acknowledge the survival of Aboriginal people who once lived on the mission. The heritage listing acknowledged the significance of the site especially the school which was the first public school in rural NSW. Warangesda was the model that was used for Cootamundra Girls Home as well as Kinchela Boys Home. Warangesda adopted the practice of teaching the children to become domestic servants and farm workers.

Any artefacts including bottles, crockery and other bric-a-bac from that period are considered protected items and should not be removed at any time. The various buildings have not been maintained and have began to fall further into disrepair. Ideally, the buildings should have significant works undertaken given their historical and cultural importance.

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander [viewers, listeners, readers] are advised that this website contains images and voices of people who are now deceased.